Kho Kho is said to have its roots in the Maharashtra region of India and is believed to have been mentioned in the ancient Indian epic, Mahabharata, specifically in the Chakravyuha incident. Initially, the game was played on chariots known as raths and was called rathera. However, the modern version of Kho Kho, where players are on foot, was standardized in 1914 by the Deccan Gymkhana club in Pune. During this time, the club established the rules and regulations for the game.

The Rules and Format of Kho Kho.

Kho Kho is a sport played on a rectangular field with wooden posts at each end. Each team has 12 players, but only 9 can play at a time. The game consists of two innings, with two turns of 7 minutes each for chasing and defending. The chasers aim to tag the defenders by touching them with their palm, while the defenders try to avoid being tagged and run out of time. The defenders enter the field in groups of three, and as one group leaves, the next one enters. Defenders are considered out if they are tagged, go out of bounds, or enter the field late. The chasers can switch who is actively chasing by tapping them on the back and saying “kho” loudly. The team with the highest score at the end of the match is the winner.


Kho Kho holds immense promise and has the potential to emerge as a prominent sport both in India and globally. The game offers numerous advantages and appeals, including its simplicity, excitement, thrill, competitiveness, and cultural significance. Additionally, Kho Kho has the ability to attract increased sponsorship, media attention, and viewership due to its fast-paced and entertaining nature. Furthermore, its adaptability to various formats and platforms further enhances its appeal.


Kho Kho, an ancient and intrinsic part of India’s heritage, holds immense significance and continues to thrive with great energy and enthusiasm. It embodies the essence of Indian culture and has the power to inspire and bring together countless individuals. Kho Kho possesses the ability to expand and flourish, establishing itself as a worldwide sensation. This game warrants further recognition and admiration, as it has the capability to bring glory to the nation. With its readiness to conquer new heights, the world will witness India’s exceptional prowess in Kho Kho.

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